Reverse Diabetes Naturally: Strategies for Overcoming the Disease

20 Jun 2024

A diabetes diagnosis brings a lot of worries and questions in a patient’s mind. . The major one being: “Is this how my life will always be?”

We’re here to break the news to you; it won’t. Diabetes can be reversed,provided you use the right strategies and follow a set of concrete lifestyle changes for your health. That way, your diabetes can be reversed without any medication. 

Let’s look at the strategies to reverse diabetesnaturally:

Change your diet

Add healthier choices to your diet. If your eating habits include consuming processed food or other high-carb foods, your condition may be compromised. Making healthy food choices keeps your sugar levels in check and helps play an important role in reversing diabetes over time. 

Add low-fat and low-calorie foods to your diet, such as:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Lean meats
  • Whole grains and legumes 
  • Healthy fats, like fish

Another thing to keep in check is which foods create a spike in your blood sugar. Identify these food items and replace them with foods with a low glycemic index (GI). Also, be mindful of the portions you consume. Avoid overeating and consume everything in the right proportion. 

Learn about macronutrients. For instance, take carbs. You need to be aware of the types of carbs that are good and bad for your body. What we require in the diet is complex carbs because they are unprocessed. They can be vegetables, grains, beans, etc.These foods are also rich in fibre. They are gradually broken down by your body and thus, slowly absorbed into your blood, which means… less sugar spikes!Simple carbs and refined carbs, on the other hand, are absorbed faster and cause rapid spikes in your glucose. These can be candy, honey, juices, pizza, pastries, bread, etc.

Get better sleep

When you don’t sleep well, your insulin sensitivity is disrupted. A diabetes patient must aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night. It helps to maintain blood sugar levels, improving insulin sensitivity, managing weight and regulating some hormones. Sometimes, poor sleep can also trigger unhealthy food cravings. 

If developing a healthy sleep schedule seems difficult, you can try maintaining a nighttime routine that tells your body it’s time to wind down. Take up reading or meditating. Limit screen exposure before sleeping. And in case of any sleep disorders, talk to your healthcare provider

Exercise more

For diabetes patients, exercising not only helps reduce weight but works wonders when coupled with a healthy food or diet plan. If you have an unhealthy diet, it may increase your sugar levels and negate the effort you put into exercising. 

MyTatva, our healthcare app for individuals, provides access to reputable fitness coaches, who will help design an exercise plan for you. . Ideally, diabetes patients should take out time daily for walks. 150 minutes of exercise every week is sufficient for most people. Remember to carry a snack, in case your bloos sugar drops suddenly.

Alternatively, you can also try biking, jogging, swimming, or any other sports. Exercise helps with your physical, mental, and emotional well-being as well. Depending on how active you stay, your goal to reverse diabetes can get closer.

Stay hydrated

Although it may sound insignificant, drinking plenty of water helps a great deal to reverse diabetes. It helps maintain your sugar levels and is a healthier alternative to sodas and other beverages. 

On the other hand, dehydration can spike your sugar levels and harm your overall progress in general. Drink up, don’t be shy!

Quit Smoking 

Smoking is never good for anything. Of course, it increases your risk of heart disease and lung cancer, but it also puts you at risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. There are many benefits to quitting smoking: improved insulin sensitivity and reduction of risk for cardiovascular complications. If you need help with smoking cessation, join a smoking cessation programme, consider nicotine replacement therapies, or bring in the discipline to avoid triggers and smoking altogether.

Be easy on yourself though. It’s not a matter of a few days to quit a habit like smoking. Know that you will get there gradually. It might probably take a few attempts but you’re closer to the goal each time!

Don’t stress

All that stress and for what? Increased sugar levels? 

Stress is normal, but keep in mind that too much of it can have a direct impact on your body. Your stress hormone, cortisol, can trigger an increase in appetite, leading to overeating and weight gain.

It can also complicate the management of your diabetes. 

Try techniques that help you calm down like yoga and meditation. It’s only when you have a calm mind that you will be able to realise your goal to reverse diabetes properly.


The road to reversing diabetes naturally may look like a long one, but it’s worth it. Stay patient, trust in yourself and keep striving for better. To supercharge your strategy for reversing diabetes, you can watch this space for informational blogs. You can also download and register on the MyTatva app. It is our digital healthcare solution for individuals battling chronic diseases. On the app, you can join personalised diet and exercise plans, track your progress, and get insightful advise to reverse your diabetes. For more information on our services call us at +91 99740 42363 or mail at support@tatvacare.in.

About the Author

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Devina Aswal

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