Understanding PCOS: Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis

12 Jun 2024

Whether you’re personally affected or supporting someone who has been diagonsed with PCOS, this blogaims to empower and inform you about the condition, making your life a little easier.

Living with PCOS can be overwhelming but there’s always room for if you really want it. Today we’ve brought a friendly guide to help you understand the basics of PCOS, the symptoms, the causes, the treatments, and more. Be it yourself, or someone you love, remember to make the most of this info so we can have yet another successful PCOS managementjourney.

What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition occurring during the reproductive years of a person. Someone with PCOSmay either have irregular periods or have periods lasting for too many days. Additionally, the presence of androgen also increases in the body.

A PCOS diagnosis means that there are sacs of fluid that develop in the outer edge of your ovary called cysts. The cysts carry immature eggs called follicles. The follicles fail to release eggs regularly, causing PCOS. 

What are the causes of PCOS?

Although the exact cause of Polycystic Ovary Syndromeis not known, there are a couple of factors that may lead to it:

  • Insulin Resistance
    Your pancreas produces a hormone called insulin. This hormone helps cells to take up sugar from the bloodstream and use it as energy. However, if cells do not respond or become resistant to insulin, then the sugar levels can rise. In turn, this makes your body produce more insulin so the glucose levels can be brought down this extra insulin leads to more production of male hormones.

    Some signs of insulin resistance are discoloured patches of skin (on the neck, breasts, armpits, and groin), weight gain, and a big appetite.

  • Inflammation
    Our white blood cells produce substances in response to infections and injuries. This process is known as low-grade inflammation. In people with PCOS, there is long-term low-grade inflammation leading to androgen production. It also leads to heart problems. Being overweight can also contribute to inflammation. 
  • Genes
    As per studies, PCOSalso runs in families. A family history of PCOSmay increase your chances of developing it. It is also possible that the contribution comes from more than one gene.
  • High androgen hormone
    High levels of androgen create a problem for your ovaries in releasing eggs. It leads to irregular periods. When the ovulation is also irregular, it can lead to the development of fluid sacs in the ovaries. High levels of androgen are also responsible for acne and severe hair growth.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome often start around the time of the first menstrual period. Sometimes, PCOS symptoms develop later after you have had periods for a while.

  • Irregular periods
    Experiencing less-than-usual menstrual cycles throughout the year is one of the most common signs of PCOS. It’s also periods that last for lots of days or an unusually less number of days. Some women are also known to have less than eight menstrual cycles in a year. 
  • High levels of androgen
    Too much androgen results in excess hair production called hirsutism. Hair growth occurs on the face and the body like the back and chest. At times acne and male-pattern baldness can occur as well.
  • Polycystic ovaries
    PCOS ovaries tend to be bigger. Hence, a lot of follicles with immature eggs can show up on the edge of the ovaries resulting in faulty working of the ovary.
  • Headaches
    Hormonal changes can also cause headaches in some women.
  • Weight gain
    About 3/4th of women with PCOS are most likely to be overweight or obese.
  • Heavy bleeding
    When the uterine line keeps developing for a long time, the menstrual periods can be heavier than normal.
  • Skin darkening
    Dark skin patches form on the skin of body parts like the groin, breasts, and neck.

How can PCOS be diagnosed?

Although there’s no specific test to diagnose a condition like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, your doctor may begin by looking at your PCOS symptoms and other conditions. You may also be asked about the regulations of your menstrual period and your weight. When going through a physical exam, there may be checking of your hair growth, acne, and insulin resistance.

You may be recommended to take the following tests:

  • Blood tests
    Blood tests help measure your hormonal levels. This excludes potential causes of menstrual problems or excess androgen. Other blood tests could be tasting cholesterol and triglyceride levels. A glucose test is also recommended to check your sugar levels.
  • Pelvic exam
    A pelvic exam is conducted to check your reproductive organs for growth, masses, and any other changes and look for the causes of abnormal bleeding.
  • Ultrasound 

    Ultrasounds help inspect your ovaries and the thickening of the uterus lining. Usually, a transducer is placed in the vagina which produces sound waves that create images on the screen.


How can PCOS be treated?

Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndromeincludes closely keeping a loon on issues like acne, obesity, infertility, and hirsutism. A specific PCOS treatment would mean making some lifestyle changes and taking medication. 

  • Lifestyle changes
    Practising weight loss with the help of a refined diet and an exercise routine. Even the slightest loss in your weight, say 5%, can help better your condition. Weight loss can also contribute to how effectively your medications are working. A good healthcare provider and a dietician can help develop a personalised weight-loss plan for you.
  • Medications
    For menstrual period regulation, your doctor may recommend the following medication:
    • Combination of birth control pills
      These are the pills that contain both estrogen and progestin which helps bring down androgen production and regulate estrogen. Hormone regulation can also lower risk of endometrial cancer and help fix irregular bleeding, excessive hair growth as well as acne.
    • Progestin therapy
      Taking progestin for 10-14 days every 1-2 months regulates your periods and helps fight endometrial cancer. The therapy does not prevent pregnancy or improve androgen levels.


A major step towards managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)is understanding it. Although one size can’t fit all, PCOS treatments based on your symptoms under the guidance of an expert do come in handy. Some modifications in how you live can go a long way and right now might just be the best time to start it! To manage chronic conditions like PCOS, TatvaCare provides a personal healthcare assistant in the form of an app: MyTatva. Download our app on Android or Apple devices and keep track of your health. The app provides useful tools such as medication reminders, vitals tracking and monitoring through third-party device integrations. You can also gain access to personalised diet and exercise coaching from health coaches on our platform for PCOS management. To learn more about MyTatva, TatvaPractice (our electronic medical record software for healthcare providers), or anything else, call us at +919974042363 or write to us at support@tatvacare.in

About the Author

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Devina Aswal

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